Tag Archives: opinion

All About The Bride

If you’re anything like me you’ve wasted (thoroughly enjoyed) many hours of your life watching wedding themed shows; Say Yes To The Dress, Four Weddings, Bridezillas, and any show with David Tutera.  It’s a common saying in these shows that, “it’s all about the bride” and the dress is of course a huge focus.  How can it not with brides are dropping $10k on them?


Bridezillas of course is dramatized to the max and the man is often treated like trash but that’s what you get with many of today’s “reality” shows.  It’s also common to see uber controlling brides who make statements such as “it’s my day so I want things my way” and “I can’t have my bridesmaids looking better than me.”  ME ME ME!  

ImageWhen did weddings become so bride-centric?  It’s certainly one thing for reality TV to glorify the bride and her stupid-expensive dress but another when the most recognizable name in wedding dresses runs a commercial like this: 

It starts off innocently enough.  Rare is the wedding guest dying to see what the groom is wearing since a tux is usually just a tux and if you’ve seen one you’ve seen them all.  And it’s likely there are fewer tears shed for the groom than the bride.  Although many cry out of sheer joy at the union taking place.

Then he says it, “I’m the invisible man” and that is not OK.  No groom should ever feel invisible.  It’s just as much his day as it is hers. The groom is not just a cog in the wheel.  He’s an equal partner and the leading man in this wonderful day and all the days following.  

“Because let’s face it, the wedding is all about the bride.” 

ImageThis mentality needs to stop.  Weddings need to stop being glorified as a big party to showcase the bride and her overpriced outfit that she will only wear that one day.  Maybe if couples took the time to learn what marriage was all about they wouldn’t jump on the chance for the big party.  It’s serious stuff and it includes the bride AND the groom.

The commercial goes on to say, “And for the bride, it’s all about the dress.”

ImageWhich bride?  Certainly not me and all the brides I know.  For us it’s about marrying the man of our dreams.  The one we want to be with until death do us part.  It’s about celebrating our union in the company of our best friends and family.  

So David’s Bridal, I highly suggest you reevaluate your marketing strategy.  Actually I’d reevaluate a lot since I have been in your store and it certainly could use some drastic improvements but I digress.

I got a BEAUTIFUL dress (not from David’s) and I love it.  Plus I got an amazing deal on it so bonus points there.  This Tuesday I’m bringing it in for alterations and I’m stoked to see the final product. I’m even more stoked to see Jeff as I walk down the aisle, the fun and dancing with our loved ones after, the honeymoon at a to be determined location, and the journey we have ahead of us as husband and wife.

Weddings are fun but we brides, grooms, family, and friends should remember exactly why we gather to celebrate.  Marriage is a union sanctified by God and that’s really awesome.  So let’s all celebrate.  Celebrate the bride.  Celebrate the entirely visible groom.  Celebrate the vows being made.  Admire the jaw dropping dress.  And stuff your face with cake. 


While You’re Looking Down, We’re Looking Forward

Every time I see someone write a blog out of complete and utter ignorance especially when it’s painfully obvious that they’re just desperate for someone to validate their own lifestyle choices, I have to fight back vomit.


Hello and welcome to my 2nd post that is a rant inspired by another blog!  My first of course was in response to the “23 Things To Do Instead of Getting Engaged Before You’re 23” and if you’re interested you can check it out here.

Today I’m talking about this post which is titled, “I Look Down On Young Women With Husbands And Kids And I’m Not Sorry.”


First as a disclaimer, I am NOT a mother and don’t plan to be for a few years and yes will be a wife in a few months.

Let’s break it down shall we?  This woman appears to identify herself as a feminist.  More power to her.  I enjoy voting, working for equal pay, and such.  Feminists advocate for equal treatment of women in all areas of life.  Girl Power.


So why is it so wrong for a female to not want that lucrative career, the power, the corporate ladder?  Isn’t it enough that we have that option?  In the 2nd paragraph this blogger seems to have gained some inspiration from the blogger from my last rant in thinking that life is a competition.  She says, “Do people really think that a stay at home mom is really on equal footing with a woman who works and takes care of herself?”  I’m all for female equality I think it’s awesome that some women take advantage of the option to work and pursue the career of their dreams.  I think it’s equally as awesome that some women have the option to tend to the home and raise her children while the husband is the primary breadwinner.  And who says this stay at home mom (SAHM) isn’t taking care of herself?  Yes it happens sometimes.  A mom gets burnt out.  She may stick to the sweats and ponytails and leg shaving plummets do the bottom of the priority list.  Career women can also fall into a rut of not taking care of themselves although it may not be as obvious.  Perhaps more of a mental burnout.

Yes having kids and getting married are milestones.  Dictonary.com defines a milestone as; “a significant event or stage in the life, progress, development, or the like of a person, nation, etc”  I may be alone here but I don’t think things such as baby and bridal showers are thrown to hold up some huge accomplishment.  Yeah most people are able to “get knocked up or find someone to walk down the aisle with.”  Those events are wonderful and happy and should be celebrated, especially since some are denied that luxury (of having children) due to health reasons.  I dare this woman to walk up to a couple who has gone through a handful of miscarriages and say that their newest pregnancy that is expected to live isn’t something to be celebrated.  Humans have celebrations.  They have since the beginning.  Why rain on them?  A baby is a new LIFE.  To me that’s a pretty extraordinary thing to celebrate regardless of the fact that hundreds of thousands of babies are born in the world every single day.  A marriage is a sacred commitment that is well deserving of  a get-together.  Those that get the seriousness of that union understand the reason to celebrate something so awesome.

I would hardly say that getting married and having children is “nothing.”  They still have the option to do anything but they are content in their life as a wife and mother.  Actually, backup a second…I don’t like the word content as it implies settling which I don’t think they’re doing.    I think that option is awesome.  Who knows, one SAHM’s destiny could be to raise the next President.


If this blogger wants to throw a shower for a woman who backpacks on her own through Asia I say go for it.  I wouldn’t want to do anything like that alone.  To me it would be way more rewarding to share the experience with something else.  But that’s just me.  And I can understand the empowerment, self awareness and self discovery one can get from an experience like that.  Remember, we women can do what we want right?  It is 2014 after all.  I don’t think anyone’s going to poo-poo the party idea.  To the blogger, they may poo-poo your lifestyle but hey that’s what you’re doing to a huge population of women.  Women are notorious for making things an unspoken competition and talking behind each other’s backs.  They are talking and they will continue.  But if you’re happy why does it matter?  Why rain on someone else’s parade with judgments?  It’s unbecoming.


If a woman is going for a dream job, wanting to travel, or get a promotion I’m all for it and I wouldn’t think anything less of her for doing so.  I’m so sick of this trend that all (insert demographic here) need to act/think/behave one way in order to win at life.  Success and exceptionality are subjective.  So is happiness.


The next part of the blog made me laugh.  Check it out, “I hear women talk about how ‘hard’ it is to raise kids and manage a household all the time.  I never hear men talk about this.  It’s because women secretly like to talk about how hard managing a household is so they don’t have to explain their lack of real accomplishments.  Men don’t care to ‘manage a household.’ They aren’t conditioned to think stupid things like that are ‘important.'”  First, neither her or I have kids so neither of us really have grounds to comment on the difficulty of raising them.  But from my perspective it certainly doesn’t look easy especially on top of keeping up on household duties.  Also this woman apparently hasn’t talked to many men or understand men too much.  Men don’t typically come right out and talk about things like that but I know many, who if asked directly, would be more than happy to tell you how difficult it is as well as how rewarding it is.  As far as a “real accomplishment” goes, who’s to judge one’s accomplishments?  Especially with people like the blogger who would certainly judge them at the drop of a hat, or diaper bag.  I could spend my life traveling, shattering the glass ceiling, and becoming a professional something.  But I can’t take those things with me when I’m 6 feet under.  What I can do is leave a legacy through my kids that lives on and continues to impact the world for generations.  That’s pretty cool to me.  And if it’s not cool for you, that’s fine!  You know why it’s fine?

Because we are women.

Because we have choices.

Because ‘MERICA.


Ok I got a little excited there.  My point is you won’t further your lifestyle choice by putting down someone else’s.

I have a female PA-C.  She’s young, recently got married and she’s awesome.  I’m glad she has that job because I wouldn’t want it.  I’m glad that I know some female engineers, I certainly couldn’t do what they do.  I’m glad that I’m getting married to a man who will support me and my dreams, and do a load of laundry if I’m pooped from a day of working or going to school.  I look forward to the possibility that I won’t have to work anymore and will be able to make my family and home my main focus.  If that makes me average or mediocre that’s ok.  I know I’ll be in great company.


Wedding Photography: A Thought From A Bride-To-Be

Everyone has different tastes but I feel that many wedding photographers are committing a crime against brides and brides-to-be everywhere.  I’m getting married in less than 4 months and hired Flaherty Photography to capture our special day.  I am most definitely a budget bride so I searched high and low for photographers.  I could not believe how expensive they were.  I’m sorry but if I had an extra $5k-$10k hanging around it certainly wouldn’t be going towards a photographer, no matter how talented.  With Flaherty I’m getting all my needs met, even an engagement session that I wasn’t even planning on, all for under $800.  I also don’t have to worry about my photos being touched up to the point of “perfection” like many of the pictures in the portfolios I saw.


“Wait, what?!”  you may be wondering, “don’t you want your pictures to be perfect?”  Well I suppose that depends on your definition of perfect.  To me, my perfect wedding photos capture the moment as they were.  I love candid shots.  I hate posing for pictures because I’m just not photogenic thanks to my light sensitive eyes that shut almost immediately in sunlight or flash.


Touch ups are great.  I don’t really need to remember that big zit on my forehead, or that bug that flew into the shot.  I even really enjoy filters and use them and basic editing in my hobby photography.  I’ve done an engagement shoot.  Even a wedding.  My issue is that some wedding (and even children/family) photographers (and I’m sure some brides) are doing these shoots with the mentality of print perfection for public consumption.  Like what you see in a magazine, or a pop star’s album cover.


Yeah so the bride may have love handles, arm flab, tummy chub, or too small/too big boobs or butt.  But THAT’S WHAT THEY LOOK LIKE.  I don’t want to look back on photos and share them with my future kids and grandkids and give them inaccurate images of what mom/grandma used to look like.  I want them to see a confident glowing bride regardless of her imperfections.

I even stumbled upon a video on YouTube today of a clearly talented photographer and editor who was giving a tutorial on editing wedding photos.  This guy was erasing the bride’s freckles.  HER FRECKLES.  Why do those need to go away?  They’re part of the brides body and will likely always be there.  And so what if they are?  They’re beautiful, they’re unique, they’re awesome.

My left hand freckle is my bff.

And what messages is this sending to kids?  It’s one thing to see Megan Fox on the cover of Cosmo airbrushed and morphed to increased perfect hotness but it’s another to see mom, a friend, aunt, or cousin in the same light.  Especially if they preach accepting and loving your body as it is.  If we don’t say/do something now Photoshop will be a pre-installed program on everyone’s laptop and we won’t recognize each other on the streets because our Facebook pictures will have way more done to them than just Instagram filters.  Even now I see photos being uploaded from all walks; weddings, selfies, parties, etc. and I can’t help but laugh to myself and think, “Who are you fooling?  I know what you look like, and that isn’t it.”  Again I’m talking about heavy editing; airbrushing, body morphing, etc.

What do you think?  Where should photographers and brides draw the line?  Am I completely out of line for thinking this way?

ImageIf you’re interested in seeing some photos I captured recently check out my last post “Ice, Ice, Photo-Op

UPDATE: 1/7/14 5:40pm: I just wanted to clarify something as some seem to be misled by what I stated in the beginning of this post.  The “crime” I’m discussing has nothing to do with prices, rather the crime of capturing moments and editing them to the point of an unrealistic and unattainable perfection whether it be the photographers doing or by the bride’s request.  Photography is stupid expensive for the photographer and the consumer.  I love photography but don’t pursue it as a career due to the high start up and upkeep costs.   If you can afford $5k for a photographer by all means go for it if that’s something you want to invest in.  Like I say in my bio I’m not a writer and this blog is mostly word vomit coming out so I understand how some were confused. 😉 –Thanks for stopping by photographers and brides alike!  I’ve enjoyed our discussion so far!–