Tag Archives: ice

Ice, Ice, Photo-Op

Today’s “Daily Prompt” from The Daily Post was to write when and where you do your best thinking or if you’re a photographer, artist or poet, show off your best work.  Well I’m not really a writer.  I blog about the random things that take up space in my head.  I don’t consciously take time out to think what I want to write.  My blog is a bit of word vomit.  

I do enjoy photography though.  I don’t consider myself a professional photographer by any means.  I just enjoy capturing moments and playing with Photoshop.  I figured for this entry and with this crazy cold weather we’ve been having, I’d share the photos I took a couple weeks back after a big ice storm hit.  As much as I dislike winter it sure can be beautiful.

ImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageImageI feel so blessed that I have this kind of beauty right in my backyard. Although the ice was much less attractive when it encapsulated the car…