Tag Archives: engagement

Wedding Photography: A Thought From A Bride-To-Be

Everyone has different tastes but I feel that many wedding photographers are committing a crime against brides and brides-to-be everywhere.  I’m getting married in less than 4 months and hired Flaherty Photography to capture our special day.  I am most definitely a budget bride so I searched high and low for photographers.  I could not believe how expensive they were.  I’m sorry but if I had an extra $5k-$10k hanging around it certainly wouldn’t be going towards a photographer, no matter how talented.  With Flaherty I’m getting all my needs met, even an engagement session that I wasn’t even planning on, all for under $800.  I also don’t have to worry about my photos being touched up to the point of “perfection” like many of the pictures in the portfolios I saw.


“Wait, what?!”  you may be wondering, “don’t you want your pictures to be perfect?”  Well I suppose that depends on your definition of perfect.  To me, my perfect wedding photos capture the moment as they were.  I love candid shots.  I hate posing for pictures because I’m just not photogenic thanks to my light sensitive eyes that shut almost immediately in sunlight or flash.


Touch ups are great.  I don’t really need to remember that big zit on my forehead, or that bug that flew into the shot.  I even really enjoy filters and use them and basic editing in my hobby photography.  I’ve done an engagement shoot.  Even a wedding.  My issue is that some wedding (and even children/family) photographers (and I’m sure some brides) are doing these shoots with the mentality of print perfection for public consumption.  Like what you see in a magazine, or a pop star’s album cover.


Yeah so the bride may have love handles, arm flab, tummy chub, or too small/too big boobs or butt.  But THAT’S WHAT THEY LOOK LIKE.  I don’t want to look back on photos and share them with my future kids and grandkids and give them inaccurate images of what mom/grandma used to look like.  I want them to see a confident glowing bride regardless of her imperfections.

I even stumbled upon a video on YouTube today of a clearly talented photographer and editor who was giving a tutorial on editing wedding photos.  This guy was erasing the bride’s freckles.  HER FRECKLES.  Why do those need to go away?  They’re part of the brides body and will likely always be there.  And so what if they are?  They’re beautiful, they’re unique, they’re awesome.

My left hand freckle is my bff.

And what messages is this sending to kids?  It’s one thing to see Megan Fox on the cover of Cosmo airbrushed and morphed to increased perfect hotness but it’s another to see mom, a friend, aunt, or cousin in the same light.  Especially if they preach accepting and loving your body as it is.  If we don’t say/do something now Photoshop will be a pre-installed program on everyone’s laptop and we won’t recognize each other on the streets because our Facebook pictures will have way more done to them than just Instagram filters.  Even now I see photos being uploaded from all walks; weddings, selfies, parties, etc. and I can’t help but laugh to myself and think, “Who are you fooling?  I know what you look like, and that isn’t it.”  Again I’m talking about heavy editing; airbrushing, body morphing, etc.

What do you think?  Where should photographers and brides draw the line?  Am I completely out of line for thinking this way?

ImageIf you’re interested in seeing some photos I captured recently check out my last post “Ice, Ice, Photo-Op

UPDATE: 1/7/14 5:40pm: I just wanted to clarify something as some seem to be misled by what I stated in the beginning of this post.  The “crime” I’m discussing has nothing to do with prices, rather the crime of capturing moments and editing them to the point of an unrealistic and unattainable perfection whether it be the photographers doing or by the bride’s request.  Photography is stupid expensive for the photographer and the consumer.  I love photography but don’t pursue it as a career due to the high start up and upkeep costs.   If you can afford $5k for a photographer by all means go for it if that’s something you want to invest in.  Like I say in my bio I’m not a writer and this blog is mostly word vomit coming out so I understand how some were confused. 😉 –Thanks for stopping by photographers and brides alike!  I’ve enjoyed our discussion so far!–